xome -> projects -> jigl -> Windows Users


Photo/Image Gallery Software
Linux & Windows 2K/XP
jigl @ xome . net

Jason's Image Gallery

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This is an archived project

jigl was written in the early 2000's and is no longer maintianed.

This page is being left up as an archive for those who may still have interest.
Thanks to everyone who helped with this project!

Installing under Windows 2000/XP

The preferred and easiest method of installing jigl on a Windows machine is to install the required programs below and then simply run the jigl installer program available on the download page. This program will verify you have the required support programs, install jigl, optionally add it to the system path, and optionally add jigl to your right-click menu for folders. Detailed instructions for manually installing jigl are below as well.

Getting the Required Programs


Perl Note: If your machine does not recognize the MSI file when you are following the installation directions below, return to the perl download page and download the Windows Installer.



Manual Installation

Note: These instructions are for Windows 2000. Other versions of Windows will be similiar but may not match exactly.
Note: Windows 95/98/ME will not work with jigl. Sorry!

Changing the Environment: (or how your computer knows where programs are)

The PATH is a parameter that tells your computer where certain files live on your harddrive. By setting this parameter, you can simply type the name of a program at the command line and cause it to run. For example, if you open a command prompt and type notepad, the Windows Notepad program will start up.

In order for jigl to run, your computer needs to know where to find it. Choose a directory to place jigl.pl. I use C:\bin. Testing the install: Note: When changing the PATH or installing programs, such as those below, that modify the PATH, you must open a new Command Prompt in order to see the changes. You do not need to reboot your machine.


Testing the install:

ImageMagick Testing the install:
Note: These are the same instructions ImageMagick will display at the end of the installation.

  • Copy the file jhead.exe from the directory where you downloaded it earlier to the directory you chose above to add to your PATH (for example, C:\bin). Testing the install:

  • Copy the file jigl.pl from the directory where you downloaded it earlier to the directory you chose above to add to your PATH (for example, C:\bin).

    Testing the install:

    Congratulations, you are now ready to use jigl on a Windows machine!